What does Corporate Social Responsibility mean?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the commitment of a business to consider its impact on society and the environment, and to operate in a responsible way. It is not about being perfect, but about continuously striving to become better.
In 2021, BSP introduced a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which applies to all the lawyers and support staff of BSP.
It may also refer to stakeholders. This policy was implemented to develop a concrete BSP Corporate Social Responsibility approach, linked to and consistent with BSP’s Code of Ethics.
BSP seeks excellence in every aspect of its business and is committed to minimise the social, environmental and ethical impacts of its supply chain. BSP approaches CSR as we approach our business in general - in a well-planned and structured way. We decide which areas to focus on based on input from all our stakeholders - clients and colleagues.
Our core values (TOGETHER, BUSINESS WITH VALUES, LUXEMBOURG LAW) are thought to embrace human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
BSP Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is based on three pillars
Diverse leadership teams make better and more innovative business decisions, leading to improved business performance. Diversity amongst employees is important to us and gender balance is one of our top priorities. BSP is committed to improving diversity and inclusion within the working environment, safeguarding those who may face inequality or harassment due to one or more of the nine “protected characteristics”: Age, Nationality, Disability and health condition, Gender, Sexual orientation, Race / ethnic group, Religion or belief, Gender reassignment, Marriage or civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity.
BSP opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, treating everyone fairly, with respect, and giving equal opportunity in every aspect of the working role of each employee. We recognize that diversity is found in any social identity and that inclusion is the process of involving, accepting, and valuing all people in the workplace regardless of their differences and social identity.
CSR at BSP includes a commitment to caring for the environment, and reducing negative and increasing positive environmental impacts.
Moreover, BSP always has a preference for appointing suppliers which use a 100% ecological method of cleaning and nanotechnologies which respect the environment.
BSP preserves a budget to make monetary donations with the aim to sustain arts, culture, education and community events and alleviate those in need through donation to charitable causes or human service agencies. On top of that, BSP encourages its employees to volunteer and do pro bono activities. They can volunteer through programs organized internally or externally. BSP also sponsors volunteering events from other organizations.
The application and ultimate responsibility for the commitment to our CSR principles lies with every employee of BSP and at every level of the organisation, including at the very top, with an explicit willingness to challenge and, where necessary, discipline those who do not follow the policy.