Following the proclamation of the European Social Rights Framework by the EU institutions in November 2017, Directive (EU) 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union was adopted on 20 June 2020 (the "Directive"). The Directive aims, inter alia, to improve workers' access to essential information applicable to their employment relationship and to ensure that workers are protected against any adverse treatment or consequences. Draft Law No. 8070 (the "Draft Law"), introduced in the Luxembourg Parliament on 7 September 2022, is intended to transpose the Directive.
The Draft Law provides for changes to certain rules concerning employment contracts, apprenticeship contracts, temporary employment contracts, contracts of employment with pupils or students (excluding paid internship contracts) and maritime employment contracts. As it aims, among other things, to amend the mandatory clauses to be included in the above-mentioned contracts and to regulate certain clauses such as exclusivity clauses or the trial period, this Draft Law will affect many employers. It is therefore strongly recommended that employers adapt their contracts now.
A more in-depth analysis of the Draft Law on transparent and predictable working conditions is available.
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